Phonics Land (852) 2576 2333
The Phonetics Road to Literacy

Language Is Not Only A Tool For Communication But Must Also Be A Pleasure In Its Own Right.
Phonics Land develops a love of language with its structured, play-based approach to learning.
It Is Essential That Children Not Only Develop The Skills To Read But That They Become Motivated Readers.
Phonics Land creates positive attitudes right from the start. Our program enhances children’s perceptual ability. This leads to early achievement and enthusiasm for reading.
If Children Have Difficulties With Spelling Or Handwriting, It Could Hinder Their Creative And Communication Abilities.
Phonics Land offers a positive, motivating approach to handwriting and spelling which provides children, at a very early age, with tools with which to express themselves in writing.
本中心為1.5 – 7歲的小朋友提供速成英語拼音課程。你的孩子不喜歡閱讀嗎?放心!我們會令你小朋友愛上閱讀。短短數個課堂後,你會驚訝地發現小孩能掌握拼音。繼續多上幾課後,小孩便能閱讀句子,他們會向你閱讀最愛的小故事!
First founded in 2004, the PLM method have grown to become one of the foremost phonics providers in Hong Kong. Many unsolicited testimonials from parents and students attest to results and effectiveness — Phonics Land’s students consistently achieve excellent scores at school, ranking among the top 10% in their classes.
Instant results combined with predictable progress in young learners aged 1.5 to 11 have allowed Phonics Land to be around for more than 14 years. Throughout these years, we have explored the uniqueness in the learning ability of all our children, hoping to bring about methods that would recognize a range of learning styles. To our satisfaction, our own Phonics Land Method (PLM) was created.
從小朋友身上見到不同的學習能力,我們相信最關鍵是拆解複雜的概念,然後轉化為細小組件,最後用小朋友能理解的「語言」去解釋。這樣一步步帶領小朋友學習,就算是不同的學習方式,他們也能達至一樣成效。PLM的成功之道歸功創辦人的個人興趣和活力,她不斷改善令整個方法更完善,更緊貼現有教育制度。Miss Bea Koo 為確保課程質素,她定期對老師進行訓練,改善課程內容。老師會定期分享和討論教學方式,確保有多種方法解決不同的問題。著名的PLM方法是根據「如果你能讀英文字,你一定能串寫出來!」這概念衍生而來。
Our students at Phonics Land are taught to use simple yet effective strategies to facilitate learning. With PLM focusing on capturing students’ interest, maintaining their curiosity and creating step-by-step approaches towards learning reading and spelling, we ensure continuous progress of all our students. PLM is a combination of the methods and tricks derived from experienced teachers whose focus has always been on guiding students to find answers on their own. The goal of teachers at Phonics Land is to guide students to learn through Play, Learn & Master (PLM), which we would like to pass on to as many children as possible.
“As teachers, we are very careful not to teach our children that there is only one way to get to the right answer. Ultimately, we want our children to become the “teacher” so they can reteach what they have learned. Our students love teaching their mommies and daddies what they have learned at Phonics Land, allowing the parents to monitor their continuous progress with ease. To make sure our children do not rely on memorization of sight words, we like to confuse them with psuedo words to check their understanding of concepts when taken out of context. It is a method regularly used by all our teachers to check the depth of understanding of any concept taught, making the approach highly result-oriented.” — the PLM teachers