Our Award – Hong Kong Most Outstanding Leaders Award 2019

We at Phonicsland Learning Centre Limited are proud to announce that our founder Belinda Wong was awarded “Hong Kong Most Outstanding Leaders Award 2019”
Our founder Ms Belinda accepted the award from CorpHub with great honour and sense of encouragement. The award from corphub by the professional judges further confirm Phonics Land Learning Centre’s leadership role in the English education industry.

Spelling Bee 公開慈善比賽

第一屆Spelling Bee 公開慈善比賽
親子王國舉辦的《第一屆Spelling Bee 公開慈善比賽》已順利於3月3日(星期日)舉行。
We have 11 students participating in this Contest and 9 of our PLM students have achieved good results in a relaxed state. Congratulations and appreciation for their efforts. 👏👏

Spelling Bee &奧比斯 公開慈善 比賽
Phonicsland舉辦的《Spelling Bee &奧比斯 公開慈善 比賽》多於100位參賽者,已順利於10月20日(星期日)舉行。
ALL our students who have participated in this Contest have come.in the 1st ,2nd and 3rd places!Congratulations to them all. We are very proud of you all. 

Orbis – World Sight Day 2019

Donation to Orbis World Sight Day 2019