Phonics Land (852) 2576 2333
Testimonials From Parents
Harvey joined PLM’s interview class as we were worry about his upcoming interview. He was unable to follow instructions and refused to answer questions. Thanks to Teacher Belinda whom has patiently taught Harvey with different techniques and approaches. After just 3 one on one classes he were able to perform almost all the exercises and instructions. We are thrilled to share that he has been accepted into HKIS. Big thank you to Teacher Belinda!
Harvey Parents
Briana has been with Phonicsland for 4 years (since the beginning of K1). From starting to learn ABCs to mastering how to read simple words to today’s ability to read passages and to write stories. I am very honoured to have chosen Phonicsland, which has definitely helped to develop Briana’s literacy. Special thanks to her 3 teachers who have always been very patient and fun teachers to my daughter! Thank you.
Briana Parents
Aidan’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Phonics Land的老師對教學充滿熱誠,以獨特的方法讓Ronli學會及牢記不同發音。她們備課充足,能在Ronli有疑問時詳盡解答並在上課時樂在其中。Ronli的進步超出了我的預期,而且非常喜愛到Phonics Land上課呢! 謝謝各位老師的耐心及用功!
Ronli’s parents
Megan在Phonics Land學習了一年,她非常享受這裡的課堂。看到她慢慢地能夠自行閱讀簡短句子,我感到非常奇妙。感謝老師的愛心和耐性!我相信有老師的幫助,Megan一定會持續進步的!
Megan’s parents
自從在Phonics Land開始學習,隨著Aidan接觸越來越複雜的拼音,概念和語法,他對基本英語的掌握亦以驚人的速度在增長。我對他持續以合適的速度學習非常有信心。
Phonics Land 的老師擅長與孩子建立聯繫,讓孩子的學習興趣倍增。能夠對Aiden這種討厭拘束的孩子應付自如,足以證明老師優秀的教學能力。
Phonics Land 的老師擅長與孩子建立聯繫,讓孩子的學習興趣倍增。能夠對Aiden這種討厭拘束的孩子應付自如,足以證明老師優秀的教學能力。
Aidan’s parents
Phonics Land 的老師十分優秀,她們擅於和小孩相處並找出了與Audrey溝通最適切的方法。在老師的指導下進步神速,亦喜愛做Phonics Land的功課。我向所有家長誠意推薦Phonics Land!
Audrey’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Phonics Land的老師既專業亦懂得易地而處,這點十分有利孩子的學習。她們更在Edna下課後教我們相關的知識,使我們能幫助Edna學好拼音。正因有老師的悉心教導,Edna的英語拼音才學得如此好呢!
Edna’s parents
我的兩名女兒已在Phonics Land學習了四年有多。Phonics Land為他們打下了紮實的英語基礎,尤其是拼音和初級語法。課程編寫十分全面,習題也對孩子學習英語提供了很大的幫助。這幾年來,我的女兒們慢慢愛上了英語,現在更能自行閱讀。Phonics Land的老師不但教會了我的孩子,更讓她們樂在其中呢!
Haley’s parents
Issac一直一來都非常愛到Phonics Land上課,我也對他在短短一小時學到的知識感到十分驚訝,感謝Phonics Land的老師!
Isaac’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
本人對Phonics Land的教學方式很滿意,並且很感激各位老師的悉心栽培,尤其是Teacher 的耐心教導下,Leanne不論在知識上或學習態度上都進步了不少,令本人感激不盡!在此感謝老師的耐心,付出和悉心的教導!
(St. Paul’s)
(St. Paul’s)
報讀Phonics Land的課程是我到目前為止為培育愛兒Ryan做出的最正確的決定. Phonics Land具啟發性的教學方式完全改變了我和丈夫對幼兒教育的既有看法。我們對愛兒在詞彙,拼寫和發音方面的進步感到非常恩慰,亦很感謝Phonics Land使Ryan學會用心聆聽。
Ryan’s parents
(Braemar Hill))
(Braemar Hill))
Sylvana在Phonics Land已學習了6個月,現在她不但清楚地記得她所學過的所有拼音知識,更開始懂得在拼字和閱讀時應用這些技巧。我們對她的進步感到高興,亦非常感謝Phonics Land老師以獨特的教學方法令Sylvana輕鬆愉快的學習。
Sylvana’s parents
Darrel由2015年11月開始在Phonics Land學習,他喜歡這裡的老師,這三個月以來我們也留意到他在拼音和寫作方面突飛猛進,使我們十分滿意。希望各位老師們繼續努力,再創佳績!
Darrel’s parents
看到Elise上了短短幾堂已能拼讀和閱讀簡單的故事,我們感到十分驚喜並對成果非常滿意。謝謝Phonics Land老師的悉心教導,她很愛到Phonics Land上課呢!
Elise’s parents
Ashley has been at Phonics Land since she was three years old. She is now six years old at ISF school and one of the most advanced reader/ writer in her class. Her English teacher was so surprised by her level of English and has told me she is at least one year ahead of her peers! She loves to go to Phonics Land! All friends that I have recommended to the Centre have been astonishing results in less than two months! We all love the Phonics Land method!
Ashley’s parents
Phoebe從K1開始已在Phonics Land學習,不經不覺已有5年時間了。Phonics Land的課程很有系統,從學習Phonics開始,之後再加入Grammar及Writing,對Phoebe在閱讀英文書藉及應付學校英文課程都有很大幫助,而最重要是Teacher Belinda是一位充滿教學熱誠,有技巧和愛心的老師,使Phoebe能在愉快的氣氛下有效地學習。謝謝Teacher Belinda的悉心教導!
Phoebe’s parents
Nate已在Phonics Land學習了三年。這裡的課程令孩子學習英語拼音時樂在其中,加上老師們的耐心指導,Nate現在已是個Phonics小專家了!感謝各位老師!
Nate’s parents
We are happy that Divyana has made great progress in her phonics learning and has gained much confidence in her reading abilities. She is eager to try, which for us, is more important than perfection of a skill. She is very happy to go to class, which speaks lots to her teacher. Thank you for supporting her, Phonicsland!
Divyana’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Jay has showed significant improvement since starting with PhonicsLand. He is able to read and blend words much better now. He enjoys Phonicsland teacher class and looks forward to class every week. Keep it up teacher !
Jay’s parents
Quentin has been joining Phonics Land since October 2015. Only 6 months in Phonics Land, Quentin is now able to write all alphabets and also be able to read simple books! We are so amazed with Quentin’s progress and we love the way teacher is teaching…everything was story-based which makes it very easy for a little kid to memorize the sounds of each letter…and all the super fun activities that teacher introduced makes Quentin learns quickly through play! We love Phonics Land!
Eva (Quentin’s Mommy)
Eva (Quentin’s Mommy)
Quentin’s parents
(Braemar Hill))
(Braemar Hill))
I am the parent of Marcus Li, who shows characteristics of ADHD Syndrome / Asperger’s Syndrome. Marcus first met Miss Belinda at the centre, not willing to communicate nor interact with other children. He was always happy in his own little world. This was why his learning was partially hindered. We knew that Miss Belinda’s background had not prepared her to teach children with special needs. However, she went out and bought books and did lots of research on how to teach children with Asperger’s Syndrome and very often shared with us her new findings. She had often carried long conversations with my husband, trying to understand more about the unique behaviors my son had and she tried very hard to look for ways that she could help Marcus perform better in her classroom. She always told us that children with autism are actually super human, and that they are all very blessed because they are born with a super brain. Her words were always positive and encouraging and we appreciate it a lot. I don’t know where her inner strength comes from or what keeps her going, for she never gives up trying and helping.
Miss Belinda cares for my child as if he was her own. Marcus ‘s reading and writing and his understanding of “concepts” have improved immensely under Miss Belinda’s teaching and care. Marcus has learned how to put all his “scattered” thoughts together, and learned how to interact with other children more. This was way beyond Miss Belinda’s job duties and my husband and I are both very grateful at how very hard she had to work to achieve it. She has watched Marcus develop and grow into a confident boy with much better speaking and social skills.
I sincerely thank Miss Belinda for her patience and heart and perseverance.
Miss Belinda cares for my child as if he was her own. Marcus ‘s reading and writing and his understanding of “concepts” have improved immensely under Miss Belinda’s teaching and care. Marcus has learned how to put all his “scattered” thoughts together, and learned how to interact with other children more. This was way beyond Miss Belinda’s job duties and my husband and I are both very grateful at how very hard she had to work to achieve it. She has watched Marcus develop and grow into a confident boy with much better speaking and social skills.
I sincerely thank Miss Belinda for her patience and heart and perseverance.
Nora’s parents
Teacher in PLM is an awesome. Now Jeslyn can
read books all by herself. It is very impressive to see her improvement
on her reading skills. About a year ago, she only knew a few simple words
by memory. Thank you Phonicsland. It
makes reading & writing fun, exciting and alive.
read books all by herself. It is very impressive to see her improvement
on her reading skills. About a year ago, she only knew a few simple words
by memory. Thank you Phonicsland. It
makes reading & writing fun, exciting and alive.
Jeslyn’s parents
Letter of Recommendation
Before joining Phonics Land, Curtis could not pronounce words properly and clearly. He has been studying in Phonics Land for 4 years now. Within 8 lessons, he was able to read and had begin then to even develop a love for reading. Now a super confident reader, he continues to study at Phonics Land to further advance his English abilities. Phonics Land has a great curriculum and method where the students learn words not by sight or memory. Thank you to all the teacher’s support for Curtis and I wish for future academic excellence!
Curtis’s parents
Letter of Recommendation
Aidan has been studying at Phonics Land for 7 years now. Before attending classes at Phonics Land, Aidan had struggled with ‘delayed’ reading and writing skills. As a parent, this had worried me a lot. However, thanks to the hard work of all the teachers at Phonics Land, Aidan is now 1 year ahead in his english spelling and reading skills in comparison to his classmates.
Aidan has been studying at Phonics Land for 7 years now. Before attending classes at Phonics Land, Aidan had struggled with ‘delayed’ reading and writing skills. As a parent, this had worried me a lot. However, thanks to the hard work of all the teachers at Phonics Land, Aidan is now 1 year ahead in his english spelling and reading skills in comparison to his classmates.
Aidan’s mother
(Braemar Hill))
(Braemar Hill))
Letter of Recommendation
Adrian has been learning at Phonics Land ever since he was 2.5 years old. The curriculum at Phonics Land suits his learning style very well. Instead of pure memorisation, the teachers teach him English through phonics. I think this is à more effective way for students to learn English. Adrian , at his 11 th year at Phonicsland, is now a confident learner and continues to strive for excellence through Phonics Land’s efforts. I would like to thank all the teachers who have provided unconditional support for him.
Adrian has been learning at Phonics Land ever since he was 2.5 years old. The curriculum at Phonics Land suits his learning style very well. Instead of pure memorisation, the teachers teach him English through phonics. I think this is à more effective way for students to learn English. Adrian , at his 11 th year at Phonicsland, is now a confident learner and continues to strive for excellence through Phonics Land’s efforts. I would like to thank all the teachers who have provided unconditional support for him.
Mother of Adrian
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
“We really like Phonics Land and Kieran has made tremendous progress in the past few months. We will continue to recommend Phonics Land to all our friends”
Kieran’s Mommy
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
“The teacher is satisfied with his phonics progress. He is able to recognize many sounds…Thanks for helping Tristan. I think he has improved a lot.”
Tristan’s Mommy
“Thank you so much for the patience and teaching Quentin. We are lucky to have started with you early…and Quentin really learn a lot from you. And has progressed so much!”
Quentin’s Mommy
It is almost coming to 7 years since Hailey started her learning at Phonicsland。
She always loves her classes and never fails to enjoy every class. Elder sister Hannah also learnt for 5 years during which she also had a lot of fun and laughter while learning phonics gradually and steadily. Both of them love their teachers for their patience and kindness. Her classes are always filled with interesting and funny stories to help them grasp the phonics concepts quickly and easily. We also appreciate how PLM teachers make time and effort to explain after each class to keep us updated about their progress.
Their teachers have helped our girls greatly in learning phonics while having tremendous fun at the same time. I myself have also learnt a lot from both teachers. They are dedicated and have a passion to help children learn and have fun. We all love Phonicsland!
She always loves her classes and never fails to enjoy every class. Elder sister Hannah also learnt for 5 years during which she also had a lot of fun and laughter while learning phonics gradually and steadily. Both of them love their teachers for their patience and kindness. Her classes are always filled with interesting and funny stories to help them grasp the phonics concepts quickly and easily. We also appreciate how PLM teachers make time and effort to explain after each class to keep us updated about their progress.
Their teachers have helped our girls greatly in learning phonics while having tremendous fun at the same time. I myself have also learnt a lot from both teachers. They are dedicated and have a passion to help children learn and have fun. We all love Phonicsland!
Hannah and Hailey Parents
I would like to let teacher Belinda know that Blake was accepted by CIS Foundation Year. We really appreciate the guidance Teacher Belinda and the other teachers at the centre had provided to Blake. Both my husband and I believe your interview classes and phonics programme and informative feedback had well prepared us for the interviews. Thank you so much. You have made us very happy parents!
Blake Parents
真的太神奇了! 經Phonics Land老師的指導,Chester已經能自己閱讀簡單的英文故事,而且還樂在其中呢! 非常感謝老師的悉心教導和詳細解釋,讓我懂得如何在家中和他繼續練習。再次感謝老師,祝生活愉快!
Chester’s parents
Siena從兩歲半開始在Phonics Land學習。我們非常認同Phonics Land的教學方法,也看到這兩年來Siena的進步,而且她非常愛到Phonics Land上課,經常盼著一星期一次的課堂呢! 更重要的是她養成了對閱讀的濃厚興趣,我們相信這會對她一生的學習都有莫大脾益。
Siena’s parents
Ethan從三歲起在Phonics Land學習,他的英語在短短一年內已大有進步,生動有趣的課堂更令Ethan每星期都樂在其中。感謝老師們的用心和熱誠!
Ethan’s parents
Phonicsland 的教導很專業。讓Alicia很開心地閱讀英語,而且每次很記得Teacher 的教導。PLM的教學模式讓Alicia記在心上,而且運用很貼切Alicia的level,讓她每星期愉快地上堂!再次,謝謝教導Alicia!
Darren於Phonics Land學習已有一年多,現在他已能自行閱讀英文故事書。很欣賞Phonics Land之教學方法,將大部分聲學圖像化,故事化,使Darren非常容易及對Phonics有濃厚興趣。老師每次課堂後都會跟家長講述課堂內容及進展,使家長更容易配合。
Darren’s parents
(St. Paul’s)
(St. Paul’s)
Gaile 每次從Phonics Land回來都興高采烈地和我們分享她當天學到了什麼呢! 謝謝老師們讓女兒在充滿快樂和關懷的環境下愉快學習!
Gaile’s parents
謝謝你們把學英語的過程變得愉快和生動有趣! 這裡的教法很有創意,令Heidi在短短6個月內突飛猛進。這裡的老師對教學充滿熱誠,十分有創意和花樣多變,有效地啟發Heidi的寫作點子,為此我感到很欣慰。
Heidi’s parents
Phonics Land是個愉快的學習天地。老師們關懷學生,充滿創意和熱誠。Jaime現在對講英語和閱讀英文書興趣濃厚,更續漸在這個全英語環境中建立自信。十分感謝Phonics Land照顧到每個小孩的個別需要和背景,令每名學員都愉快而有效地學習。
Jaime’s parents
敏晴加左Phonics Land這個大家庭尉經十年了,也是她最長久的學習天地。這裡的課程內容豐富完備,教學方法亦推陳出新,靈活多變,讓敏晴容易掌握及明白。最重要是敏晴愛在Phonics Land學習,非常享受上課的歡樂時光,真的實現愉快學習的理想!謝謝Phonics Land。
Meredith’s parents
不經不覺,從前害羞膽怯的Serafina已經變成一個自信的小女孩了。她不會放過任何拼讀新詞的機會,亦勇於面對挑戰。她的發音準確地道,更是個不折不扣的小書蟲呢!多得Phonics Land 老師的指導,Serafina 能夠自己閱讀,成就終生學習!
Serafina. L’s parents
Phonics Land 老師用生動有趣的方式教授拼音,讓Valerie在學習時也樂在其中。拼音技能對於培養她自行閱讀實在有莫大幫助,現在她已能獨自看書,也愛上了閱讀。
Valerie’s parents
在Phonics Land老師們的耐心指導下,小兒的閱讀能力顯著進步,感謝老師們!
Ethan’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Phonics Land 老師們對Colin十分有耐心和真誠,令我非常放心。她們知道如何對症下藥,因材施教。在老師的指導下,Colin的英語說話,閱讀和寫作能力都顯著進步,令我非常欣慰。謝謝!
Colin’s parents
Merry 在2015年10月加入Phonics Land,當時她只能讀一些簡單的的發音和生字。學習了短短一段時間後,她已有顯著進步並能拼讀生字了。感謝老師們的細心教導,不但讓小女英語大為進步,更令她在學習時樂在其中呢!
Merry’s parents
Issac愛上了Phonics Land的課堂,每次來上課都興致勃勃的呢! 每次看到愛兒又在一小時內學了那麼多的知識,我都覺得很不可思議 – 難道老師們懂得魔法?感謝Phonics Land的老師!
Isaac’s parents
Summer自3歲4個月起在Phonics Land學習,她對Phonics很有興趣,而且非常喜歡來上老師的課,這都要歸功於老師們深明與孩子相處之道和懂得如何引起孩子對學習的興趣。自從成為Phonics Land學員,Summer的閱讀能力以驚人的速度提升,現在她已能毫不費力的閱讀Level2的讀物,更非常喜愛看書,可見Phonics Land的威力! 謝謝Phonics Land!
Summer’s parents
Both girls are constantly asking when they can see Teacher again in PLM. It has been a breeze supervising their homework or revising their work as Teacher has made the lessons very fun and easy for the girls to remember their fundamentals with play. I have since heard from Teacher Parent sessions or how pleased there are with Kaycee and Leia’s progress at school. Phonics is hard to teach and learn but Teacher in PLM has made it so easy and fun! Thank you, Teacher!
Kaycee and Lei’s parents
Adrian loves Phonicsland very much. Every week he’s very eager to go to class and he is very keen to do the assignments at home. In just about 2 months since he first started at Phonicsland, he has learned to blend and read many words by himself. His reading has got a lot stronger, and he is turning into a little confident reader! He has always enjoyed looking through books, and now with his reading ability, he can understand the content better. Thank you Teacher in PLM for teaching Adrian patiently and building up his confidence! ☺
Adrian’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Theo has been learning phonics from Phonics Land since he was 4. We are so amazed by what he achieved so far. From only knowing the alphabets, now he is a confident reader. Theo’s teachers at school also commented that he shows great interests in phonics and spelling. We are very pleased with Phonics Land’s efforts in building such a great foundation for English Learning for Theo and will not hesitate to recommend this wonderful learning center to our friends. The only complaint is that there is always a very long waiting list for the classes, so Theo could only start at 4 years old.
Theo’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Marcus has been with Phonicsland for two years already and has become an independent reader with the help from the teachers. Especially in the past six months, he has shown an increasing interest in reading and his written work also improved. Phonicsland is able to connect with the child and help them to develop their interest in reading and writing from their interested subjects, which in our case was very effective. Only one thing which I would like to do a bit more is to have more communication with the centre and his teacher to be updated continuously on his progress.
Marcus’s parents
Thank you for all your hard work. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done to help Sherene improve her spelling and writing skill. The impact of your help is so significant. She loves your class and she has achieved a lot. I know you put a lot of time and effort into them and I hope you know how much I appreciate it.
Sherene’s parents
Miles has been with Phonics Land for over a year now. The achievements have been incredible for a three – year old. Miles started from picking up a pencil and learning the sounds of the alphabets to now being able to read two- syllable words and short phrases. Miles’ Teacher is very patient and spends time after every class to update us on Miles’ progress and share with us how to reinforce the learning at home. We highly recommend Phonics Land to other parents.
Milesn’s parents
I take this opportunity to thank you for your teaching and
patience to my daughter. Emma is not only learning the phonics in PLMand also can
read a book independently. My husband and I are so happy that Emma is enjoying
to study in your campus and it is helping our daughter believe that phonic has
fun. Thank you for your hard work. We truly appreciate it!
patience to my daughter. Emma is not only learning the phonics in PLMand also can
read a book independently. My husband and I are so happy that Emma is enjoying
to study in your campus and it is helping our daughter believe that phonic has
fun. Thank you for your hard work. We truly appreciate it!
Emma’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
When Eugene first started with Phonics Land, he was a little
easily intimidated by new challenges and with receiving not-so-good feedback.
PLM Teacher has patiently helped Eugene to overcome much of his
difficulties and rebuild his foundation. Now he is willing to try
compounding sounds of words new to him and has become increasingly confident.
Teacher has also thoughtfully tweaked her approach, to click with
how Eugene could most effectively learn. Teacher always has a genuine
cheerful smile which makes Eugene look forward to another class in Phonicsland.
Lastly, thanks for her enthusiastic teaching!
easily intimidated by new challenges and with receiving not-so-good feedback.
PLM Teacher has patiently helped Eugene to overcome much of his
difficulties and rebuild his foundation. Now he is willing to try
compounding sounds of words new to him and has become increasingly confident.
Teacher has also thoughtfully tweaked her approach, to click with
how Eugene could most effectively learn. Teacher always has a genuine
cheerful smile which makes Eugene look forward to another class in Phonicsland.
Lastly, thanks for her enthusiastic teaching!
Eugene’s parents
Letter of Recommendation
My kids, Allen, Allie and Amanda, all joined Phonics Land at the age of 2.5. Alton now 11, has been in Phonics Land for 10 years. I know a lot of HK parents like to switch around from one center to the next, but I have never thought about my kids switching to another learning center. Phonics Land provides everything necessary and has a great learning environment. Their curriculum is set so that the students learn vocabulary through sounds rather than pure memory. This way of learning has allowed my kids to maintain at the top of the class in school and I am very proud of them. I would like to thank all the teachers who have provided unconditional support to them.
Mrs Lam
My kids, Allen, Allie and Amanda, all joined Phonics Land at the age of 2.5. Alton now 11, has been in Phonics Land for 10 years. I know a lot of HK parents like to switch around from one center to the next, but I have never thought about my kids switching to another learning center. Phonics Land provides everything necessary and has a great learning environment. Their curriculum is set so that the students learn vocabulary through sounds rather than pure memory. This way of learning has allowed my kids to maintain at the top of the class in school and I am very proud of them. I would like to thank all the teachers who have provided unconditional support to them.
Mrs Lam
Allen, Allie and Amanda’s parents
“Thank you for updating me on their progress. I think they learned a lot from you and they enjoyed your class very much. I think they have improved a lot and now they are keen to read on their own. Thank you so much for your effort!”
Samantha and Charis Mommy
“His reading, writing and spelling has improved a lot in the last year. Thanks very much!”
Jayden’s Mommy
“I think drawing the wave/line method is helpful. I will also accompany him to do it. I think it will help him build more confidence. Thanks again for what you did for Jaiden.”
Jaiden’s Mommy
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Kasper has been offered a place at CIS and HKIS and ISF. This is the best news for us. Both my husband and I are thrilled about the results. Thank you so so much for your patience and professional advice. Your interview and phonics programmes are well thought out and very very effective. Kas went from a very shy boy to an outgoing and cheerful little lad. Thank you for the magic!
Kasper Parents
Abby got admitted into GSIS and ISF! Thank you Phonicsland for preparing her AND US for her interviews. Thank you again for your team’s professional guidance. The mock interviews with different teachers at the various locations really helped Abby overcome her fear in meeting with strangers at a new environment. She couldn’t have done it without you.
Abby Parents
哲哲在Phonics Land 學習Phonics接近三個月了。這3個月來,哲哲Phonics 方面的知識突飛猛進,不論是認識英文字母的音、拼讀或書寫,都有很大的進步,超出我們的期望。最難得的是哲哲對學習Phonics 興趣濃厚,在家主動做練習、不時自己拼讀,並主動「教導」家人。
哲哲的進步實在要歸功於PLM 老師,老師有愛心、耐性及專業的Phonics 老師,在她的教導下,哲哲的Phonics 進步神速。難得的是她不但對哲哲循循善誘,對於我這位問題家長也不厭其煩地耐心講解,令我可以配合哲哲學習Phonics。謝謝老師!
哲哲的進步實在要歸功於PLM 老師,老師有愛心、耐性及專業的Phonics 老師,在她的教導下,哲哲的Phonics 進步神速。難得的是她不但對哲哲循循善誘,對於我這位問題家長也不厭其煩地耐心講解,令我可以配合哲哲學習Phonics。謝謝老師!
自從1年多前成為Phonics Land 學員,Jay的閱讀,寫作和詞彙量方面都進步神速,而且尤其喜愛讀老師每星期為他挑選的英文書呢! 如果Phonics Land可以額外舉辦更多活動(如寫作比賽,串字比賽等)就更好了!
Jay’s parents
自從上了Phonics Land的課後,我們留意到Christian的詞彙量明顯增長,而且更喜愛閱讀了。現在他到哪裡都愛把看到的英文字讀出來,我們為此感到非常高興!
Christian’s parents
Phonics land讓我的女兒對學習英語產生了濃厚的興趣。這裡的老師既經驗豐富又認真教學,更會持續地向我講解女兒的學習進度。作為家長,了解自己孩子的學習進度是至關緊要的。Phonics Land在多方面都令我十分滿意!
Hilda’s parents
Classes with Teacher Belinda are fun and interactive. My kids greatly improved their pronunciation, intonation, grammar and learn new vocabulary words by discussing interesting topics. Teacher Belinda also has a wonderful personality and is very kind-hearted and friendly. She is very professional and well-prepared for classes. Can’t thank her enough for her great teaching and for my kids!
Jake’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Phoebe從K1開始已在Phonics Land學習,不經不覺已有5年時間了。Phonics Land的課程很有系統,從學習Phonics開始,之後再加入Grammar及Writing,對Phoebe在閱讀英文書藉及應付學校英文課程都有很大幫助,而最重要是Teacher Belinda是一位充滿教學熱誠,有技巧和愛心的老師,使Phoebe能在愉快的氣氛下有效地學習。謝謝Teacher Belinda的悉心教導!
Phoebe’s parents
Miles enjoys his class at Phonics Land. Within 4 months since he started, he has already picked up a lot- from properly holding a pencil, to identifying the vowels, to reading 3-letter words on his own. Teacher demonstrates great patience and care when working with Miles and this is reflected in Miles’ willingness to come to class. Keep it up!
Miles’ parents
PLM teacher 很用心教導Amos,令Amos在短時間內Phonics進步不少,也給他在愉快的環境中學習。
Phonicsland Teacher 謝謝您。
Phonicsland Teacher 謝謝您。
Amos’s parents
Phonics Land has been a key part of Carrie-Anne’s English acquisition. Teacher Belinda was amazing in getting the children interested and able to read. Within a short period, Carrie-Anne was able to sound the letters, blend them, read words to new reading and comprehending chapter books. She is always reading. I attribute her love and strength in English to an early start at Phonics Land where she built a strong foundation. Thank you Teacher Belinda.
Carrie’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
After attending private classes with Ms Belinda we noticed a significant change in Christian’s expanded vocabulary and his interest in reading. He is always sounding out words on the street and in everyday life. We are extremely impressed with the Phonics Land program!
Christian’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
I am always happy to read Chesney’s weekly diary and found that she is able to use “past tense” to describe a lot of things. Certainly her writing skills have a lot to improve but the fact that she is willing to write means a lot to us. Keep it up Chesney!
Chesney’s parents
Even though Tiffany has only been with Phonics Land for half a year, we have seen her pronunciation abilities improved vastly. We like the idea of setting a few pages of homework for Tiffany to do at home so that we can get an idea of her progress.
Tiffany’s parents
(St. Paul’s)
(St. Paul’s)
My elder son learnt here 8 years ago. Hes got very good reading and spoken skills and got English subject prizes during primary school. My younger son Jayden, who is now 4 years old. Phonics Land is the first place he learnt English. The teachers not only taught them Phonics & reading skills but more importantly they can arose their interest in English and they find that English learning is a great fun. Thank you and I highly recomment Phonics Land to you!
Jayden’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Thank you for creating an environment of enthusiasm for learning, appreciation for growing and room for making mistakes ( & messes ☺) along the way for Jamie.
We are especially grateful to Phonics Land teacher in providing Jamie and attentive and focused development program when he was behind. Keep the great work up!
We are especially grateful to Phonics Land teacher in providing Jamie and attentive and focused development program when he was behind. Keep the great work up!
Jamie’s parents
Edna had been in this program for 6 months. A very distinct improvement in her is the motivation to do homeworks! She was able to start and do on her own. I think the methods and ways of teaching her is great. She was always looking forward to go to Phonics land.
Edna’s parents
We are very impressed with Phonics Land program and Ryan’s progress in reading skills after attending classes with Teacher for a few months. Thank you very much Teacher in PLM for all your guidance and patience to Ryan!
Ryan’s parents
My daughter joined Phonics Land program about a year ago. She’s made a good progress with Miss Yolanda and Miss Paula. The program employs a variety of materials and interesting methods to teach. I also like the small group teaching and the briefing at the end of each session so that parents can do the necessary follow-up at home. My daughter is 4 years old now. She is able to read simple stories at ease!
Charlotte’s parents
(St. Paul’s)
(St. Paul’s)
Hillary enjoys phonics and learning at Phonicsland is a joyful experience which is helping Hillary to build her self confidence in reading, being curious to all the signals/posters/banners everywhere in the city! More importantly Hillary has started to enjoy writing to express herself and showing “Thank You” in words.
Hillary’s parents
Sophie has studied at Phonics Land for one year and showed obvious improvement in both writing and speaking English. The most important thing is she shows confidence and great interest in reading English story book now. Thank you so much for Teacher Jade who did an excellent job and Sophie loves her so much.
Sophie’s parents
(St. Paul’s)
(St. Paul’s)
It was a pleasant surprise to us when we’ve first heard Brayden reading on English book on his own while pronouncing all the words properly. This includes words that he has never seen before. This would not happen without the teachings from Phonics Land. Big thank you to teachers and staff in Phonics Land!
Brayden’s parents
(Braemar Hill)
(Braemar Hill)
Brea has been at Phonics Land for 7 months now and I can proudly
say that her English has improved quite impressively during this time. I was
quite hesitant at first, as Phonics Land does give out a lot of homework to the
levels and I was afraid that would be an unnecessary load added on to her
already demanding school work. However, Brea seems to be enjoying her homework
and the heavy load end up strengthening what she has learnt in class and her
progress is remarkable.
say that her English has improved quite impressively during this time. I was
quite hesitant at first, as Phonics Land does give out a lot of homework to the
levels and I was afraid that would be an unnecessary load added on to her
already demanding school work. However, Brea seems to be enjoying her homework
and the heavy load end up strengthening what she has learnt in class and her
progress is remarkable.
Brea’s parents
Darren於Phonics Land學習已有一年多,現在他已能自行閱讀英文故事書。很欣賞Phonics Land之教學方法,將大部分聲學圖像化,故事化,使Darren非常容易及對Phonics有濃厚興趣。老師每次課堂後都會跟家長講述課堂內容及進展,使家長更容易配合。
Darren’s parents
Ethan has been studying in Phonics Land since he was three. His English has improved a lot in just over a year. The fun activities used by the teachers make him enjoy the class every week. I really appreciate all the wonderful work the teachers have done and thank for their enthusiasm.
Ethan’s parents
Letter of Recommendation
I am the mother of Chloe Chan. Chloe has been studying at Phonics Land for 6 years now and I am extremely happy with the drastic results that I am seeing. Chloe was a way below average student in her class before she joined Phonics Land. She was not willing to speak in English nor had the motivation to study this language and now I am proud of say that she is one of the best students in her English class! I want to recommend and thank all the teachers that have taught in the past 6 years for the effort and time they have placed in teaching Chloe. Chloe came to Phonicsland, a shy and inconfidence girl. With her teacher’s encouragement and patience, Chloe is now very confident when she spells and reads. I must also thank all the teachers for assisting Chloe with her school work something that is outside of their curriculum.
I am the mother of Chloe Chan. Chloe has been studying at Phonics Land for 6 years now and I am extremely happy with the drastic results that I am seeing. Chloe was a way below average student in her class before she joined Phonics Land. She was not willing to speak in English nor had the motivation to study this language and now I am proud of say that she is one of the best students in her English class! I want to recommend and thank all the teachers that have taught in the past 6 years for the effort and time they have placed in teaching Chloe. Chloe came to Phonicsland, a shy and inconfidence girl. With her teacher’s encouragement and patience, Chloe is now very confident when she spells and reads. I must also thank all the teachers for assisting Chloe with her school work something that is outside of their curriculum.
Mother of Chloe
Letter of Recommendation
Nathaniel has been studying at Phonics Land for 5 years. This is the longest we have put Nate in a learning center. We are so amazed by his achievements, being in the TOP of the class in school now, Nate’s English skills are well beyond his year. I have recommended the PLM method to all my mommy friends parents who were looking for an english learning center, and were always always thanked for the referral. I highly recommend this curriculum, you will not have to switch between learning centers.
Nathaniel has been studying at Phonics Land for 5 years. This is the longest we have put Nate in a learning center. We are so amazed by his achievements, being in the TOP of the class in school now, Nate’s English skills are well beyond his year. I have recommended the PLM method to all my mommy friends parents who were looking for an english learning center, and were always always thanked for the referral. I highly recommend this curriculum, you will not have to switch between learning centers.
Mother of Nathaniel
(St. Paul’s)
(St. Paul’s)
“We actually see a lot of improvement from Ashton, he’s able to do most sight reading now and able to spell words from sounds.”
Ashton’s Mommy
“She’s more confident in reading these days, unlike before.” ―
Bethany’s Mommy
Thank you Letter
Dear Teacher Belinda ,I want share a great news with you. Victoria got offers from my two favorite primary schools . After attending interview classes & phonics classes at your centres, Victoria has gained so much confidence in oral speaking ,story telling & reading skills , which made her perform so well in P.1 interviews .
We appreciate so much for you and your teachers’ great effort to help my daughter brushing up her interview skills,and got offers successfully .Thousand thanks 😊
Victoria’s Parent
Thank you Letter











